If you live in San Diego and you know that you’re unhappy with the aging appearance of your face, you may have found Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery because you’re trying to determine if a facelift will address your concerns. If that describes you, then welcome! We often meet with several individuals just like you who know they have problem areas they’d like to address but aren’t quite sure if a facelift is right for them.

One of the most common questions that San Diego plastic surgeon Dr. Kaweski receives during facelift consultations is, “Which parts of the face does the surgery correct?” The answer is that facelifts are designed to address the mid to lower portions of the face, including sagging or hollowed cheeks, wrinkles, and jowls. While this answer delights many of our potential facelift patients because they’re the exact areas they want to change, others may have additional complaints they’d like to fix. The good news is that facelifts are often combined with additional face or neck procedures to provide an overall rejuvenated facial appearance that makes you look good for your age.

Addressing the Upper Face

Since a facelift is designed to address the mid and lower sections of a San Diego residents’ face, it doesn’t change the appearance of the upper face. This means that if you have droopy or puffy eyelids or sagging brows, they won’t be addressed during a facelift. However, there are other procedures that can be performed in conjunction with a facelift to help address these problem areas. For example, blepharoplasty (commonly called eyelid surgery) can fix drooping upper and lower eyelids, eye puffiness and persistent, dark undereye circles that don’t go away despite proper rest.

Maybe your eyes aren’t a big concern, but your eyebrows are. If your eyebrows are lower than where they used to be, a brow lift can be performed alongside a facelift to raise their location and provide an overall more youthful appearance to your face.

Fixing a Double Chin, Turkey Waddle or Wrinkled Neck

If you’re a San Diego resident who would like a facelift, but would also like to reduce the appearance of your double chin, turkey waddle or wrinkled neck, Dr. Kaweski may suggest you combine your facelift with a neck lift. A neck lift can address all of these issues, and provide you with the overall smoother and more youthful contour you desire.

Schedule a Consultation to Get a Unique Surgical Plan in Place

As you can see, there are a variety of surgeries that can help you put your best face forward. The best way to know which procedure or combination of procedures is right for you is to schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Kaweski at Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery. It’s during this appointment that she’ll listen to your concerns and desired outcomes, examine your face and neck, and prepare a personalized surgical plan for resolving your problem areas to provide you with your realistically achievable results.

Find out if a facelift is right for you, or if you may need an additional surgery to give you your overall desired look.

Schedule an initial consultation with Dr. Kaweski today by calling (619) 464-9876.