Breast Reduction

Introduction To Breast Reduction

Step into a world where confidence meets comfort. At the Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery, under the expert care of Dr. Kaweski, we understand that the journey to feeling your best begins with addressing both the physical and emotional aspects of your well-being. For many women, the burden of excessively large breasts can overshadow their daily lives, causing discomfort and self-consciousness. That’s where breast reduction, or mammoplasty, comes in ā€” a transformative surgical solution designed to alleviate both the physical strain and emotional distress associated with oversized breasts. Through meticulous techniques, Dr. Kaweski crafts results that not only enhance your body’s proportions but also restore your confidence and comfort, allowing you to embrace life to the fullest. Discover the freedom of a more balanced silhouette and the empowerment that comes with it at the Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery.

Breast Reduction Results

What Is Breast Reduction?

Most women would desire fuller and voluminous breasts, but for those who struggle with the physical pain and emotional discomfort of too-large breasts, they would rather opt for ample, proportioned breasts. This is where Dr. Kaweski and her team of experts at the Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery come in to perform breast reduction surgery, also known as mammoplasty. The procedure is performed on women who experience chronic back, neck, shoulder, and nerve pain, including skin irritation under the breasts.

How Does Breast Reduction Work?

Breast reduction surgery removes excess fat, breast tissue, and skin from large breasts. The procedure results in a more proportionate body contour and relief from uncomfortable and painful symptoms. Dr. Kaweski will begin the surgery by putting you under general anesthesia, so you are asleep during the procedure. Incisions are commonly made around the areola, including a vertical incision down the lower middle of the breast and the lower breast crease. After making the incisions, excess fat, breast tissue, and skin are removed, allowing Dr. Kaweski to reshape the breasts and reposition the areola. The incisions are then closed by dissolvable sutures. The surgery can take anywhere from two to four hours to complete.

Benefits of Breast Reduction

Better Clothing Fit and Wardrobe Options

Bras and clothes will now fit better, and more wardrobe options mean more styles to choose from.

Relief from Physical and Emotional Discomfort

Large breasts can cause recurrent back, neck, and shoulder pain due to their heft and weight, and mammoplasty can relieve these symptoms, as well as rashes and skin irritation that come from tight bra straps and chafing under the breasts. Well-proportioned breasts also prevent the unwanted gaze that too large breasts usually receive.

Permanent Relief from Shoulder Grooves

Breast reduction surgery prevents further damage to the shoulders as bra straps do not dig into them anymore.

Alleviates Nerve Pain

With aging, the shoulders will roll forward which results in compressing nerve fibers between the shoulder blades, ribs, and collarbone. Breast reduction surgery gives necessary relief from nerve pain and prevents further complications.

Participation in Physical Activities

Huge breasts can limit movement during exercise or daily activities. Breast reduction allows you more freedom and comfort to enjoy physical activities.

Breast Reduction Surgery Timeline and Process

Comprehensive Consultation with Dr. Kaweski

Dr. Kaweski will have a conversation with you about a personalized treatment plan that best suits your bodyā€™s needs. Breast reduction surgery requires a comprehensive understanding of what can happen during and after surgery, and the other factors that can help achieve the best results possible.

Procedure Preparation by Dr. Kaweski

To ensure that breast reduction surgery runs smoothly and your healing proceeds without complications, Dr. Kaweski typically advises patients at the Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery to pre-arrange transportation after surgery. You will undergo general anesthesia and this will impede your motor skills for a while. Dr. Kaweski will make two to three incisions around the breasts and areolas. A short scar or lollipop breast reduction requires two incisions, suitable for moderately large breasts. Three incisions are done for the inverted T or anchor breast reduction, used for larger reductions.

Repositioning and Suture by Dr. Kaweski

Once the incisions are done, Dr. Kaweski will remove excess breast tissue, fat, and skin, and reshape the breast. The nipple and areola are also repositioned on the chest to match the new breast shape. Suturing soon follows to close the incisions, and these are layered deep within the breast tissue.

Post-Procedure Care by Dr. Kaweski

After surgery, bruising and swelling are fairly common, and the discomfort will dissipate in a few days. Dr. Kaweski will provide post-operative instructions that you will need to follow and prescribe medications meant to be taken in a timely fashion, to facilitate faster healing.

Recovery Guidance by Dr. Kaweski

Dr. Kaweski will recommend that you do not lie down on your stomach but rather in a reclining position, with pillows propped behind your back. You may return to your regular activities in 7-10 days, and exercising and heavy lifting in a month. Recovery can last up to six weeks and your breasts will settle into their new shape and position in six months.

Follow-Up with Dr. Kaweski

Dr. Kaweski and her team at Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery are dedicated to seeing you through from consultation, surgery, and recovery, to maintaining results. Consistent follow-up appointments allow for adjustments in treatments and help to verify if the desired results have been achieved.

Why Choose Us for Breast Reduction?

  • Dr. Susan Kaweski’s Expertise: With Dr. Kaweski’s extensive expertise in breast surgery, including breast reduction procedures, patients can trust in her skill and dedication to achieving optimal results that enhance comfort and aesthetics.
  • Personalized Approach: Dr. Kaweski takes a personalized approach to breast reduction, considering each patient’s unique anatomy, concerns, and desired outcomes to tailor a treatment plan that best suits their needs and goals.
  • Advanced Surgical Facilities: Our state-of-the-art surgical facilities are equipped with the latest technology and amenities, ensuring a safe and comfortable environment for breast reduction procedures, meeting the highest standards of excellence in plastic surgery.
  • Comprehensive Care: From thorough preoperative evaluations to attentive post-operative follow-up, Dr. Kaweski and our team provide comprehensive care and support throughout every stage of the breast reduction journey, prioritizing patient safety and satisfaction.
  • Exceptional Results: Dr. Kaweski’s expertise and commitment to achieving natural-looking results mean patients can expect exceptional outcomes that alleviate discomfort, improve proportion, and enhance overall well-being, fostering confidence and satisfaction.


How long does breast reduction surgery take?

The duration of breast reduction surgery varies, but Dr. Kaweski typically performs it in around two to four hours. Several factors also need to be considered for the time spent during surgery, such as extent of reduction, patientā€™s anatomy, and techniques used.

Is breast reduction surgery painful?

Pain levels vary from person to person. Dr. Kaweski and her team of experts at Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery are highly skilled in pain management techniques to alleviate discomfort.

How small of a cup size can I go?

Expect to be 1-2 bra cup sizes smaller when you undergo breast reduction surgery.

How old do you have to be to get breast reduction surgery?

As a general rule, anyone with huge breasts can opt for the surgery. Dr. Kaweski can perform the procedure on teenagers and older women. But this will still depend on Dr. Kaweskiā€™s assessment of the patientā€™s physical condition and emotional maturity.

What is the best way to maintain breast reduction results?

Dr. Kaweski advises maintaining a stable, healthy weight after surgery. You can also use supportive bras (ex: sports bras) and do light chest exercises to slow down breast sagging due to aging.