This is a 37 year old female who is 4 months post op from Bilateral Breast Reduction surgery.

Patient 1a Breast Reduction Before and After

Breast Reduction, 38 years old, 1 year post op

Patient 2 Breast Reduction Before and After

Breast Reduction, 45 years, 1 year post op

Patient 3a Breast Reduction Before and After

57 year old female with bilateral breast reduction 6 months post op. approximately 790grams of tissue removed.

Patient 4a Breast Reduction Before and After

41-year-old female who underwent bilateral breast reduction and is 2 months post op

Patient 5a Breast Reduction Before and After

33 year old female who is 5’9” and 215lbs and she is 2 months post op

Patient 6a Breast Reduction Before and After

Before and after photos of a 27-year-old female who is 5 months post op from bilateral breast reduction.

Patient 7a Breast Reduction Before and After

26 year old breast reduction patient that is 6 months post op.

Patient 8a Breast Reduction Before and After

20-year-old breast reduction patient who is 3 months post op.

Patient 9a Breast Reduction Before and After

25 year old female who is status post 7months from bilateral breast reduction.


Patient is 42-years-old and 6 months post-op from a Bilateral Breast Reduction.


Patient is a 66-year-old female who is 7 months post op from abdominoplasty and bilateral breast reduction.


Patient is 43-years-old and she is 6 months post op.

The patient is 22-years-old and she is 5 months post-op.

Breast reduction and excision of axillary breast tissue on a 33 year old female who is 15 months status post.

Achieve a Healthy Figure Through Breast Reduction

Sometimes, larger breasts can cause a bit of awkwardness, embarrassment, or even physical pain. If you are dissatisfied with your breast size, one option is to get a breast reduction. We can help you bring your breasts into harmony with the rest of your curves, achieving a trim, healthy physique. Learn more about your options for breast reduction.

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