Will a Rhinoplasty Affect My Smile?

Rhinoplasty surgery - also known as a nose job - is a procedure that involves changing the shape, location, or appearance of your nose, or repairing abnormalities caused by trauma or genetics. Frequently, clients of the Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery want to know if a rhinoplasty will affect their smile....
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Are Facelift Results Permanent?

As time passes, our appearances change, and the desire for a youthful appearance is common. Many individuals consider facelift procedures, but what exactly can you expect from a facelift? Are facelift results permanent? Learn about the longevity of facelift results, how to make the most of them, and valuable insights into the different types of facelifts available. ...
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Will a Facelift Get Rid of the Wrinkles in My Eyes?

Wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes are among the most common aesthetic concerns that lead people to seek cosmetic treatment. While there are many beauty products that claim to get rid of these age-related changes, few of them truly work. It often requires professional cosmetic treatment to resolve wrinkles in the eye area. ...
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What’s the Ideal Age for Rhinoplasty?

A rhinoplasty procedure can positively impact the size, shape, and projection of your nose. This procedure can help correct concerns with the function or look of your nose. You may be wondering when the right age to receive a rhinoplasty is. It can be helpful to understand more about the procedure and what makes someone an ideal candidate for it. ...
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What Parts of the Face Does a Facelift Correct?

If you live in San Diego and you know that you’re unhappy with the aging appearance of your face, you may have found Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery because you’re trying to determine if a facelift will address your concerns. If that describes you, then welcome! We often meet with several individuals just like you who know they have problem areas they’d like to......
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How Much Younger Will I Look After a Facelift?

It’s one of the most common questions that San Diego plastic surgeon Dr. Kaweski receives when meeting with facelift candidates: how much younger will I look after surgery? While Dr. Kaweski strives to provide her potential patients with as much information as possible, she’s always cautious when answering this question. The reason is that every facelift patient is different, every facelift surgery is unique, and......
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How Visible Are Scars After a Facelift?

Dr. Kaweski has a great reputation for helping the men and women of San Diego achieve their ideal facial appearance and smooth out the signs of aging by performing facelift surgeries that make patients look good for their age. And it’s one of the main reasons Dr. Kaweski is sought-after by so many potential patients. Her goals with facelift surgery are to provide her patients......
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Can a Facelift Improve the Appearance of Sagging Cheeks and Jowls?

Many men and women visit Dr. Kaweski of Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery every year to discuss getting a facelift. These plastic surgery candidates come from all walks of life, but have one thing in common: they’re unhappy with the way aging has taken a toll on their face. The most common issues that facelift candidates ask Dr. Kaweski about is whether or not......
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5 Reasons Why You Should Choose a Female Plastic Surgeon (Over a Male Plastic Surgeon)

San Diego women who are considering plastic surgery have several important decisions to make? What procedures should they have? When should they have the procedures? And which doctor should they choose? While some women are comfortable seeing either a male or female plastic surgeon, there are certain women who only feel comfortable sharing their problem areas, bodies and goals for surgery with a fellow woman.......
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