Female Model for Facelift SurgeryOne of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the world is facelift surgery. Facelifts act as an anti-aging treatment that can resolve wrinkles and loose skin, creating a more youthful and refreshed appearance. 

Many people interested in facelift surgery wonder if they are old enough to undergo the procedure. While most people who have facelifts are older clients with more mature skin, some people are younger individuals who are seeing pronounced signs of aging. 

Are they able to have facelift surgery, or should they opt for less invasive options? It can help to understand more about facelift procedures to determine whether you are too young for this treatment.

What Is a Facelift?

A facelift is a plastic surgery procedure aiming to lift sagging skin and smooth wrinkles. It is one of the more extensive cosmetic treatments used to address signs of aging. 

The facelift treatment is meant for people who have severe sagging skin and deep wrinkles. This is typically due to the advanced collagen loss and decreased elasticity that occurs with age.

How Is a Facelift Performed?

There are two different types of face lift procedures, one is traditional facelift surgery, and the other is a neck lift. 

During a traditional facelift, an incision is made behind the ear and along the hairline. This allows your surgeon to lift the entirety of your facial skin upwards. Any excess skin is removed, and the remaining skin is repositioned in a higher, tighter position.

On the other hand, during a neck lift, incisions are made only along the back of the ear into the scalp. The neck is then lifted upwards into a tighter position. Neck lifts only work on the neck, resolving sagging or wrinkles. 

When Is the Right Time for a Facelift?

A common concern that patients have about facelift surgery is that they may be too young to have one. Since facelifts intend to lift and tighten the skin, they are often unnecessary for younger clients. 

Most facelifts are performed on patients in their late 40s and older. With that being said, you may be eligible for a facelift at a younger age, depending on your signs of aging.

Aging and Collagen

To understand what age is appropriate for facelift surgery, you must first understand how age-related changes to the skin occur. 

As you age, your skin undergoes various natural changes. The first is a decrease in collagen production. Collagen is the substance within your skin that keeps it supple and stretchy. 

When your skin is high in collagen, it can withstand constant facial movement. When collagen decreases, your skin becomes less elastic and flexible. It can no longer hold up to continuous movements like smiling, laughing, or frowning. 

This means that your daily expressions begin to leave evidence behind in the form of fine lines, wrinkles, and creases.

Volume Changes

Another age-related change that happens is the loss of youthful volume. When you are younger, your skin has a high content of hyaluronic acid. 

Hyaluronic acid causes your skin to appear plumper — especially in certain areas around the face. Around the cheeks and under the eyes are two spots that typically have more volume under the skin. This gives your face a younger-looking appearance. 

Once volume loss occurs in these areas, it causes the skin to drop downwards and sag. This creates the appearance of hanging jowls around the cheeks and jawline.

The Most Common Age for Facelifts

These age-related changes begin to occur very mildly in your mid- to late-20s. As years go on, they increase in intensity and severity. This is why people in their 60s or 70s have more significant wrinkling and sagging than people in their 30s or 40s. 

For this reason, facelift surgery is not a common procedure for people in their 40s and younger. Many plastic surgeons reserve facelift treatment for patients with the most pronounced signs of aging, such as deep wrinkles and extremely loose skin.

Patients in their 30s and 40s often benefit from less invasive, non-surgical options. This includes BOTOX® injections, dermal fillers, and skin rejuvenation treatments like Morpheus8 and fractional CO2 laser. These types of anti-aging procedures use innovative solutions and technology to address signs of aging without surgical intervention.

Are You a Candidate for Facelift Surgery?

While facelifts may be performed mostly on older patients, they can be performed on younger people who have pronounced signs of aging. 

Everyone’s skin is different and will age in its own unique way. Some patients see deep wrinkles and severe sagging earlier than others, which may make them candidates for facelift surgery at a younger age.

The only way to determine whether a facelift is the best course of action for you is by consulting with a plastic surgeon. During this consultation, your surgeon will examine your skin to confirm if your age-related changes warrant facelift surgery. If not, you will be able to discuss less extensive, non-surgical options that could be a better fit.

Facelift Surgery at Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery

Are you interested in having smoother, tighter skin on your face? Facelift surgery can help lift sagging, wrinkled skin and create a more youthful complexion. 

At Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery, Dr. Susan Kaweski performs facelift procedures and a range of other anti-aging treatments. Dr. Kaweski brings more than 25 years of experience to every surgery, acting as a strong patient advocate and compassionate doctor. 

Visit our blog to learn more about facelift surgery and other anti-aging treatments.