Mommy Makeover San DiegoOne of the main reasons that San Diego women love getting a mommy makeover is to regain their pre-pregnancy body. After all, who doesn’t want to wear a bikini at the beach? But, pregnancy can leave women with loose abdominal skin in their abdomen and breasts. Can a mommy makeover – a procedure that typically combines a tummy tuck with a breast augmentation and/or breast lift – fix this problem?

A Tummy Tuck Explained

A tummy tuck is not a weight loss procedure. San Diego women receiving a mommy makeover should be at or near their goal weight before undergoing a tummy tuck. The procedure, does,  however, allow for a hip to hip incision so that loose, hanging abdominal skin left over from pregnancy can be excised for good.

Additionally, if you have a protruding belly or pooch that just won’t go away, it’s possible that you have separated abdominal muscles, or diastasis recti. While your tummy tuck incision is open, these muscles can be sutured together, so the protrusion is eliminated.

Addressing Sagging Breasts

It’s no secret that a woman’s breasts become fuller during pregnancy and the postpartum period. After all, the body is preparing the new mother to breastfeed, should she choose to do so. But, after breastfeeding has ceased, the breasts can deflate, and the stretched out skin can become loosened, causing the breasts to sag. What’s a San Diego mom to do?

The answer for loose and sagging breasts is a breast lift procedure. With this surgery, often included in a mommy makeover, excess breast skin is excised, and the nipple is repositioned to a perkier, more natural position. To address deflated breast tissue, implants are typically placed, adding lost volume, or perhaps helping a San Diego woman achieve a breast size she has always desired.

Additional Issues Addressed by a Mommy Makeover

In addition to fixing loose and sagging skin, a mommy makeover can help you rid your body of stubborn fatty deposits that just won’t go away. With liposuction, San Diego women can eliminate these fat deposits at a rate of about 4lbs per session. This body re-sculpting can help a mother feel great about her post-baby physique.

Learning More About a Mommy Makeover

San Diego plastic surgeon Dr. Kaweski of Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery is nicknamed Dr. Mommy MakeoverTM. She is the perfect person to speak with to learn about this combination of procedures, and how they can help women who are done having children rejuvenate their body, as well as achieve a look they’ve always desired.

If you’re a San Diego mother interested in a mommy makeover, the best thing you can do is schedule a consultation with Dr. Kaweski. During this appointment, she will examine you, explain the combination of procedures to you and come up with a personalized treatment plan based on your unique physique and desired outcomes.

To schedule this initial appointment today, call (619) 464-9876.