Facelift San DiegoMany men and women visit Dr. Kaweski of Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery every year to discuss getting a facelift. These plastic surgery candidates come from all walks of life, but have one thing in common: they’re unhappy with the way aging has taken a toll on their face. The most common issues that facelift candidates ask Dr. Kaweski about is whether or not the procedure can address sagging cheeks and jowls, two of the biggest aging effects on the face. We’re here today to reassure you that yes, these issues are exactly what a facelift is designed to address.

Making You Look Good for Your Age

The simple truth is that for many San Diego residents, as they age, they’ll begin showing signs of aging on their face. And this typically presents itself in the form of sagging cheeks and jowls. Luckily, a facelift is the perfect procedure to resolve these issues and make you look good for your age, rather than “windblown” or “done up.”

When you consult with San Diego’s Dr. Kaweski for a facelift, she immediately gets to work by asking you questions to understand your main concerns. Her goal is to give you a realistic expectation of what results a facelift can provide for you, given your unique appearance and case. If you decide to work with Dr. Kaweski, she’ll work to put together an individualized surgical plan to meet those mutually agreed upon goals.

The Facelift Process

When it comes time for their facelift, residents of San Diego have incisions made in their hairline, from about the level of the temple, all the way down behind and around the ear to the bottom of the facial area. This long, but hidden, incision provides Dr. Kaweski with the access she needs to tighten up sagging cheeks and remove unwanted jowls. Often, these are the exact goals her patients are trying to reach.

Ensuring You’re a Proper Candidate for a Facelift

Not all of the San Diego residents who consult with Dr. Kaweski for a facelift are eligible for the procedure. Having sagging cheeks and jowls doesn’t automatically qualify you for the surgery. Instead, you must meet a series of criteria, including:

  • Being able to pass a pre-operative examination from your general practitioner before your surgery date
  • Being in good overall medical health
  • Listening to Dr. Kaweski explain her expected results for your facelift and communicate back to her that you have realistic expectations for the surgery
  • Being a non-smoker, or promising to quit at least 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after your surgery, as smoking can complicate both the surgical procedure and your recovery process
  • Being in good psychological health

If you meet the above requirements, you’re typically accepted as an official surgical patient and can schedule a facelift surgery.

Call Us to Say “Goodbye” to Those Sagging Cheeks and Jowls for Good

If you’re unhappy with your sagging cheeks and jowls, the best thing you can do is schedule an initial consultation to talk about the procedure with Dr. Kaweski.

You can reach Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery by calling (619) 464-9876.