So many La Mesa women these days are undergoing the exciting and increasingly popular Brazilian butt lift procedure. Dr. Kaweski of La Mesa’s Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery performs Brazilian butt lifts on a regular basis. A Brazilian butt lift is a procedure in which liposuction is used to remove fat from your problem areas, such as your abdomen, love handles, and thighs. The fat is then processed and grafted and then injected into your gluteal muscles to give you a more sculpted, contoured looking butt.

Because a Brazilian butt lift both removes stubborn fat deposits from your problem areas and injects it into your bottom, the result is a more curvaceous physique that gives La Mesa women confidence in their bodies. But, because a Brazilian butt lift includes a fat transfer to buttocks, many La Mesa women come to Dr. Kaweski with an important question, “Will the results of my butt lift change if I lose weight?”

What Happens If I Lose a Small Amount of Weight After My La Mesa Butt Lift?

Most plastic surgeons will recommend that you are close to your ideal body weight before undergoing a Brazilian butt lift procedure, but they also understand that it’s natural for some women’s weight to fluctuate. If you lose a small amount of weight after a Brazilian butt lift, you aren’t likely to see any negative changes in your butt. Instead, the slimmer you will show off your curves in new and exciting ways, most likely only magnifying the results of your newly contoured bottom.

What Happens If I Lose a Significant Amount of Weight After My La Mesa Butt Lift?

There’s a reason why plastic surgeons recommend you be close to your ideal weight before you undergo a Brazilian butt lift procedure. And that’s because, if you lose a significant amount of weight after undergoing a fat transfer to buttocks, you may also see that you’ll lose weight and volume in your buttocks. Even more, losing a significant amount of weight changes your body’s overall appearance, which will change the new curves you’ve obtained through both the liposuction and fat injection of your butt lift procedure.

What Else Can Cause My Butt Lift Results to Negatively Change?

The number one thing that can cause your butt lift results to change, or never attain the results you desire in the first place, is not following Dr. Kaweski’s post-op orders. Things that can cause La Mesa women not to get the butt lift results they desire include:

  • Not wearing compression garments as instructed;
  • Returning to strenuous weight lifting or exercise before you are cleared by Dr. Kaweski, as the fat cells that are transferred into the buttocks need to take hold before you can resume normal exercise and work on burning fat in other parts of your body.

I’m Ready for a Butt Lift!

If you’re ready to get the curves you’ve always wanted, then don’t delay. Call Dr. Kaweski of the Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery in her La Mesa office today to schedule a free consultation at (619) 464-9876.