buttlift2So you’ve recently had a butt lift surgery, and now you’re wondering how long the recovery process will be. After any surgery, there is always a period of downtime where you will have to be cautious about your physical activity. Depending on the type of plastic surgery you receive, you will have different recommendations of what you can do and how long until you can resume normal activity. However, it’s best always to talk to your plastic surgeon about these things to make sure you are clearly informed of what activities are okay for you to do and which should be avoided. The same is true for any butt lift or augmentation you may have. With butt lift surgeries, there are a couple of things you should avoid after having the procedure.

Strenuous Exercise

 Once you have chosen a butt lift, you may wonder when you can continue your regular exercise routine. After your surgery takes place at Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery in La Mesa, you may have to take some time off from working out. While we don’t mean to say that you can’t exercise ever again, during your recovery time your body (specifically, your buttocks) will be more sensitive and will need to heal properly. Once you have properly healed and are out of your recovery time, you should be able to resume normal exercise including strenuous workouts.

Sitting for Long Periods of Time

 Because your butt is still recovering from the surgery, it’s important not to sit directly on your buttocks for a couple of weeks. It is recommended that you do not sit on your butt for at least eight weeks after getting a butt lift because it can affect the longevity of your results. This may be one of the more difficult activities to avoid, but it’s best to abide by these rules so that you can have an effective, desired result of sculpted buttocks. When La Mesa patients are sitting, it is advised to use a cushion to soften the seat for your buttocks. Also, when you sleep at night, it is also recommended that you try to lay on your stomach or your side instead of on your backside.

Any High-Intensity Activity

 After getting butt lift surgery, you will have to stay away from any high impact activities. A couple of weeks after your surgery, you can resume moderate activities including fast-paced walking. It’s imperative that you don’t stress your buttocks by trying to do any activities that may have a high impact. This is recommended for any La Mesa patients who have just recently received a butt lift. After your recovery time is over, you can start to resume more high-intensity activities including sports and running. However, it is advisable to get a recommendation from your plastic surgeon first before resuming these kinds of activities.

 If you have just had a butt lift and are wondering about more activities to avoid, please reach out to our office in La Mesa. At Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery, we would be happy to answer any questions you have.

Contact us in La Mesa at (619) 464-9876 to learn more about butt lifts and how to recover.