Looking for a way to treat yourself in 2016? How about a plastic surgery procedure that will help restore your body to its pre-pregnancy state? A mommy makeover is designed to remove the toll pregnancy and breastfeeding take on your body. With a combination of procedures performed in a single surgery, you can enjoy dramatic results with just one time under anesthesia and one recovery period. Dr. Kaweski is “Dr. Mommy Makeover” and has extensive experience in this procedure. Be sure to check out her book on the Mommy Makeover as well!

Common Procedures in the Package

Procedures included in the mommy makeover can vary, since the treatment is customized to the unique needs of each patient. Common options for the mommy makeover include:

Tummy Tuck – Also known as abdominoplasty, this surgery removes loose skin and excess tissue from the midsection to create a smoother and leaner waistline.

Liposuction – This procedure is designed to remove isolated pockets of fat that have not responded to diet and exercise from various areas of the body.

Breast Lift – By removing excess skin and tissue, this surgery restores breasts to a more youthful position on the chest

Facelift – This procedure addresses skin laxity and facial creases by removing excess skin and firming up the underlying facial muscles and tissue.

Non-Surgical Procedures – Non-surgical treatments, including injectables and skin rejuvenation procedures may also be performed with a mommy makeover to further enhance overall results.

Recovery and Results

Recovery from a mommy makeover will vary, based on the specific procedures performed. The longest recovery period tends to be linked to a tummy tuck, which usually allows you to return to work and regular activities within 7-10 days.

Results of a mommy makeover may be evident right away, but will continue to improve in the weeks following the procedure as the body heals fully. Liposuction recovery tends to occur first, with visible smoothing and contouring in the treatment areas. Breasts, abdomen and face will follow, with complete healing usually coming a number of weeks after surgery.

Is a Mommy Makeover Right for You?

A mommy makeover is an effective way to dramatically restore a youthful profile, but it is not the right procedure for everyone. Mommy makeovers are typically recommended to women that are finished having children, since pregnancy could impact the results of this procedure. It is also not a good choice for smokers, since nicotine can negatively affect the body’s ability to heal and cause complications with anesthesia.

For women in good health that would like to treat themselves to a new body contour in 2016, a mommy makeover might be the right choice.

To learn more about this procedure, contact Aesthetic Arts Institute for Plastic Surgery at 855-337-6988 to schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Kaweski.