Thunder thighs are a problem that can plague men and women alike. Those heavy, sagging thighs do not always respond well to diet and exercise, which leaves you without the ideal body contour you were hoping for, even after you achieve your weight loss goals. The good news is there is an effective surgical solution for thunder thighs that will give you the smooth, sculpted lower body contour you were hoping for.

Introducing the Thigh Lift

Although it is not a regularly requested plastic surgery procedure, a thigh lift can offer dramatic slimming results. This procedure targets the upper thigh, pulling up the skin and removing isolated pockets of fat for a sleeker body contour. Dr. Kaweski at Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery is experienced in performing thigh lift procedures and can customize your surgery to meet your specific needs and desired outcome.

What a Thigh Lift Can – and Can’t – Do for You

A thigh lift can reduce the appearance of thunder thighs and sculpt a slimmer upper leg contour. In addition to removing excess skin and tightening up remaining skin and tissue, the procedure can be combined with liposuction to eliminate isolated pockets of fat that have not responded to diet and exercise. However, a thigh lift is not a weight loss procedure and Dr. Kaweski encourages patients to reach a healthy weight before inquiring about the surgery.

What to Expect from Surgery

Thigh lifts are usually performed at Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia. Incisions are typically placed at the top of the leg in an area where post-surgical scarring will be hidden under clothing. Through the incision, excess skin and tissue are removed before remaining skin is smoothed over the area and the incision is closed.

If patients have focal areas of fat to address, this can be done via liposuction at the same time as the thigh lift. A small tube or cannula is inserted into the fat deposit through a micro-incision in the leg. The cannula loosens fat cells so they can be gently suctioned out of the body.

The Big Reveal

After your thigh lift, it will take some time for your thighs to heal so you can see the full results of your procedure. Once the swelling and bruising subside, your thighs will appear smoother, leaner and proportionate to the rest of your body contour. Thigh lifts are considered permanent plastic surgery procedures as long as a healthy weight is maintained after surgery.

If a thigh lift sounds like the right procedure for you, contact Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery at (619) 464-9876 to schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Kaweski today.