If You Can Spot it, You Can Stop it!

Breast cancer is one of the most frightening diagnoses a woman can receive today. The good news is most breast cancers can be effectively treated if they are detected in their earliest stages. This is where regular breast examinations come into play. Both clinical and self-breast examinations, when performed properly and on a regular basis, are instrumental in detecting breast cancer early so that treatment may be administered.

The Cure for Unwanted Male Breasts

Gynecomastia (enlarged male breasts) is a common problem that may affect as many as 60 percent of all men at some point in their lives. Despite its prevalence, gynecomastia is a painfully embarrassing condition for many men, interfering with their personal lives and their quality of life overall. Fortunately, there is an effective surgical cure for gynecomastia that will eliminate the condition and restore a more masculine body profile.

Male Cosmetic Surgery: Most Popular Procedures for Men

As men are tuning into the benefits of cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery, the market for aesthetic treatments has diversified significantly. Now, surgeons are creating environments and designing procedures specifically with men in mind, from surgical options that enhance the facial and body contour, to minimally-invasive procedures that effectively turn back the clock on one’s appearance. Today, there is a wide variation in the types of cosmetic procedure men are seeking.

Boost Your Confidence with a Breast Lift

While much focus has been placed on breast implants in recent years, another surgical procedure known as a breast lift has also been shown to improve a woman’s appearance and boost her confidence. Whether performed alone or in conjunction with breast augmentation or breast reduction, this procedure can restore a woman’s youthful body contour and even provide renewed fullness and cleavage to the breast area. If you are looking for a way to boost your self-confidence level, read on to find out what a breast lift can do for you.

What is Dimpleplasty?

Dimpleplasty, also known as dimple creation, is becoming a much-requested plastic surgery procedure at offices nationwide. This simple procedure creates the appearance of dimples in the lower cheeks while slightly narrowing a round facial profile. Dimpleplasty is now offered by Dr. Susan Kaweski at Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery....
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