Perhaps no one in San Diego knows better what it’s like to want bigger breasts than a female plastic surgeon. While men can make excellent plastic surgeons and perform beautiful breast augmentations, sometimes, when talking about a part of the body that helps define womanhood, it’s best to be speaking with a fellow female. That’s why so many San Diego women choose female plastic surgeon Dr. Kaweski of Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery for their breast augmentation procedures. Continue reading for her guide on breast augmentation surgery.

What is Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Breast augmentation surgery is when a pocket is made either above or behind the breast muscle, and filled with a silicone or saline implant. Breast implants are an extremely popular plastic surgery procedure, especially when performed by San Diego female plastic surgeon Dr. Kaweski. Not all women who opt to have a breast augmentation are doing so to get a bigger size. Some are choosing breast augmentation to correct genetic issues, such as unevenly sized breasts.

How Do I Know What Size to Go to?

If you know that you want breast augmentation surgery by a female plastic surgeon, it can still be hard to know what size to go to. This is where talking with a fellow woman can make all the difference. Dr. Kaweski can listen to your desires for your breast augmentation procedure, and help guide you to a size that will give you the results you want. If you decide that you do want to undergo breast augmentation by San Diego female plastic surgeon Dr. Kaweski, she even provides you the option of trying on different implant sizes to get a first person impression of what you will look like post-op.

How Do I Pick an Incision Type?

There are four types of breast implant incision types, and after a consultation with San Diego female plastic surgeon Dr. Kaweski, she can help you determine which of the following is right for you:

  • An Inframammary Fold Incision, in which an incision is made at the bottom of the breast in the crease or fold area, the scar for which is typically hidden by the breast, or a bra or bikini line;
  • A Periareolar (Around the Nipple) Incision, in which an incision is made along the curve of the bottom part of the areola where the dark and light skin meets, which helps to disguise the scar;
  • A Trans-axillary (Under the Armpit) Incision, which is popular for women getting smaller implants and leaves the breasts unscarred; and
  • Trans-umbilical Breast Augmentation (Through the Navel) Incision, during which the deflated breast implant is inserted through the belly button, then filled, making a minor scar in the navel that is often unnoticeable. This type of approach can only be used with saline implants.

How Do I Ensure That I Have Natural Looking Results?

Many women undergoing breast augmentation want to ensure that they have natural looking results and that their overall physique looks balanced post-op. This is where having a female plastic surgeon can make all the difference. As a woman, Dr. Kaweski understands these concerns and gives special care to give her female patients, so they achieve the results they desire.

I’m Ready for a Consultation!

If you’re ready to meet San Diego’s very own Dr. Kaweski, call us today to schedule a free consultation at (619) 464-9876. You won’t regret meeting this very skilled female plastic surgeon.