Breast Reduction San Diego Larger breasts are not only known to cause unwanted attention but medical issues, too. In fact, every year, Dr. Kaweski of San Diego’s Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery meets with several women who are desiring to alleviate the medical problems they experience from their large natural breasts. Read on to learn about 7 medical problems you may experience if you naturally develop larger than normal breasts.

  1. Neck Pain

Large breasts can literally be a pain in the neck. The amount of pressure they place on the neck can cause pain that can’t be alleviated with physical therapy or painkillers. Often, the only recourse that women in San Diego have to reduce the neck pain they experience due to her breast size is to undergo breast reduction surgery.

  1. Back Pain

Just like large breasts can cause neck pain, they can also make your back hurt. The weight of carrying large breasts can cause a huge strain on your back, making it difficult for you to perform normal activities. If you experience this issue, you should seek out the advice of Dr. Kaweski to determine if breast reduction surgery is right for you.

  1. Shoulder Strap Indentations

If you have large breasts, you need a supportive bra to lift them up. Unfortunately, even the best-designed bras can put undue pressure on your shoulders. Many women in San Diego with large breasts experience shoulder strap indentations from their bras, which can be quite painful. To reduce this symptom, women literally need to take a load off by undergoing breast reduction surgery.

  1. Chafing and Rashes

If you’re a woman with larger breasts, you’re likely prone to sweating, especially in the breast crease. This can result in painful chafing and rashes along the crease of the breasts. No amount of showering or powdering can stop this phenomenon. Only a breast reduction surgery can reduce your tendency to sweat, chafe and develop rashes.

  1. Numbness in the Breasts and Other Areas of Your Body

The excess weight from large breasts can cause numbness not only in your breasts but other areas of your body. While some women report numb breasts, others have unexplained numbness in their fingers, hands, and arms due to compressed nerve pathways caused by their breast size. Once other potential medical causes have been ruled out, Dr. Kaweski may diagnose your large breasts as the source of this numbness.

  1. Shortness of Breath

Believe it or not, a breast reduction surgery can actually help the women of San Diego to breathe more easily. That’s because large breasts may weigh down so heavily on the chest that they cause shortness of breath. Anytime you experience prolonged shortness of breath you should seek out medical attention to rule out emergency situations. But after those have been crossed off the list, it’s time to evaluate whether or not the size of your breasts is the culprit of your shortness of breath.

  1. Headaches

A final medical issue that leads several San Diego women to seek out a breast reduction surgery is repetitive headaches, especially migraines. If you experience severe headaches or migraines, you should seek the assistance of your general practitioner to ensure there isn’t a more serious medical cause. But if you pass every test and still experience migraines and also have large breasts, you should consider a breast reduction surgery for headache relief.

Learning More About Breast Reduction Surgery

As you can see, there are several medical benefits for undergoing breast reduction surgery. If you’re experiencing one of the medical issues listed above, or another problem you think is linked to your large breast size, you should schedule a consultation with Dr. Kaweski to see if your breast size is the root of your problem.

To do so, call Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery today at (619) 464-9876.