Mommy Makeover San DiegoIt’s no surprise that pregnancy affects a San Diego woman’s body. After all, she spends 40 weeks growing a baby, her belly swells, and she experiences changes in her breasts as her body prepares her for the option of breastfeeding. While pregnancy, breastfeeding, and motherhood can be delightful experiences for women, the changes that occur in a woman’s body during pregnancy can have lasting effects, which sometimes cause problems with emotions and self-esteem.

For this reason, many San Diego mothers seek out Dr. Kaweski for a mommy makeover – a series of plastic surgery procedures performed in one surgery to address the abdomen, breasts and other problem areas that won’t go away on their own after pregnancy, despite a mother’s diet and exercise regime. Continue reading to learn 3 ways pregnancy affects your body, and how a mommy makeover surgery can fix them.

1) Pregnancy Causes Visual and Structural Abdominal Changes

One of the most obvious ways that pregnancy changes a San Diego woman’s body is in her abdominal area. After all, that is where the baby grows. Abdominal changes in a mother’s body can range from stretch marks to sagging, drooping skin that won’t go away after the postpartum period, to a muscular condition called diastasis recti, where the abdominal muscles separate and cause your belly to protrude.

A mommy makeover can address all three of these abdominal issues in San Diego mothers who are certain they are not going to have any additional children. By having a tummy tuck, you can have your excess, drooping skin – which often has noticeable stretch marks – removed. And during this surgery, Dr. Kaweski can stitch up your separated abdominal muscles, so that you no longer have a “pooch” caused by diastasis recti.

2) Pregnancy Changes the Appearance of the Breasts

Just as the abdomen changes during pregnancy, so do the breasts as a pregnant woman’s body is prepared for the possibility of breastfeeding. As the breasts swell, they can develop stretch marks. And, as the breast tissue shrinks after breastfeeding is over, postpartum breasts can appear deflated or saggy, often leaving women with a body they don’t recognize.

As part of a mommy makeover procedure, San Diego women can choose to have a breast augmentation to add breast volume that’s lost after pregnancy. Some women may also choose to have a breast lift to restore their breasts to a more natural, perkier position.

3) Pregnancy Can Result in Fatty Deposits That Won’t Go Away on Their Own

Every San Diego woman knows that they gain weight when they’re pregnant. After all, they’ve got a baby in their belly! Sometimes, pregnancy weight gain can appear in places other than the abdomen, such as the flank and thighs. And after pregnancy, even as a mother works towards reaching her goal weight, she may be left with small, stubborn fatty deposits that will not budge.

For this reason, many women choose to add liposuction to their mommy makeover. Not a weight loss procedure but rather a surgery to remove fatty deposits – about 4 lbs per session – liposuction sculpts a woman’s body, creating a more beautiful silhouette and allowing her to enjoy the added self-confidence that she deserves.

Scheduling a Mommy Makeover Consultation

If you’re a San Diego woman who is done having children and have these noticeable changes to your body after pregnancy, you may want to consider having a mommy makeover.

To learn more about the procedure, schedule a consultation with Dr. Kaweski of Aesthetic Arts Institute of Plastic Surgery by calling (619) 464-9876.